The Complete Laurindo Almeida Anthology of Guitar Solos, Ron Purcell, Credited as Jerrald K. Goldsmith; Includes Tocatta, Not from A Film
Theme from
Bernie Wayne
1, The Motion Picture, The Musical Themes, Music Book
1, The Motion Picture, A Star Beyond Time, Love Theme from, Ilia’s Theme, Bill Oliver, Piano, Vocal, George Volpe, Big Note Piano
5, The Final Frontier, The Moon’s A Window to Heaven, John Bettis, Original Sheet Music Edition
The Next Generation, Main Title, TV Series, Alexander Courage, Gene Roddenberry, Original Sheet Music Edition
8, First Contact, Theme from, Piano
Complete Star Trek Theme Music, Themes from All TV Shows & Movies, Music Book, Piano
Voyager, Theme from, TV Series, Piano
Alone in the World, Alan Bergman, Marilyn Bergman, Patti Austin
Amen, Theme from
As We Follow the Sun, Love Theme from, Carol Heather
Theme from, TV Series, Richard Bowden, Disco Rock, Grade Five, Playing Time Three Minutes, Full Jazz Ensemble
Comes the Night, Carol’s Theme, Hal Shaper
Hey There! Who Are You?, Hal Shaper
Main Title Theme
Don Wolf
Flying Dreams, Paul Williams
Free as the Wind, Theme from, Hal Sharper, Piano, Tou Qui Regardes la Mer, Jacques Plante, Yan Nick, French
Free to Go, Theme from, Original Sheet Music Edition
Gale’s Theme, Main Title, Piano
Gizmo, Theme from
1, First Blood, It’s A Long Road, Main Theme from, Hal Shaper, Dan Hill
2, First Blood Part II, Peace in Our Life, Frank Stallone, Peter Schless
Theme from, Hal Shaper
Lila’s Theme from, Piano
Sunday’s Moon, Love Theme from, Carol Heather, Piano
Love Theme from
Love Theme from, May Wine, Ernie Sheldon, Piano
Love Theme from, Franz Liszt
Meant to Be, Love Theme from, Carol Heather
The Movie, Nights Are Forever, John Bettis
The Dark Song, Estelle Leavitt
Lost in the Wild, Original Sheet Music Edition
Ernie Sheldon
The Victor, Theme from, Original Sheet Music Edition
Theme from, TV Series, Piano
The World That Only Lovers See, Love Theme from, Hal Shaper
Theme from, Three Stars Will Shine Tonight, TV Series, Pete Rugolo, Hal Winn, Richard Chamberlain, Match-A-Chord for All Organs, Vocal Version
Theme from, Piano
3, Escape from the, Theme from
Theme from, TV Series
Theme from, Piano
Theme from, Japanese, Piano
Theme from, Main Theme from, TV Series, Pat Williams
Theme from, Includes Professional Fake Book Arrangement
Theme from, I Will Follow, Ruth Batchelor
Theme from, Randy Newman
Theme from, Piano
Theme from, TV Series
Theme from, Dorcas Cochran, Piano
Theme from, And We Were Lovers, Leslie Bricusse, Piano
Theme from
Theme from, Piano
There’s Got to Be A Better Way, Theme from, Sammy Cahn
Von Ryan March, Piano
When You’ve Gone Away, Carol Goldsmith
Main Title, Theme from, Piano
David Zippell, Sarah Brightman, Piano, Vocal, Guitar